Refrigeration is your #1 Energy Cost

The purpose of a commercial refrigeration compressor and related equipment is to remove heat from the space.  The fan motors often generate 30% of the overall heat in the refrigerated space.  Isn’t it time to save money, reduce noise, and reinvest those dollars back into your business?

We have partnered with Anheuser-Bush Distributors across the nation to help energize their beer business using our SMART CEW Program. Many of them have seen an average ROI of less than 18 months by using our program.

Listen to what your peers are saying…

“The solution provided by HotWattEnergy reduced noise, provided our business with energy savings, and lowered our utility cost.  In the end, we saved a lot of wear and tear on our equipment.”  Petitpren, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Distributor, Michigan

Big Savings & Big Results on A-B Distributor facilities just like yours


Michigan A-B Distributor
50 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $49,392.32
Utility Incentive: $15,751.20
Annual Cost Reduction: $27,673.00

Michigan A-B Distributor
24 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $31,616
Utility Incentive: $11,650.13
Annual Cost Reduction: $27,346.00


New York A-B Distributor
48 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $59,924.55
Utility Incentive: $28,038
Annual Cost Reduction: $48,073.00

New York A-B Distributor
38 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $31,320.50
Utility Incentive: $20,992.00
Annual Cost Reduction: $34,978.00


South Carolina A-B Distributor
44 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $73,363.90
Utility Incentive: $17,500
Annual Cost Reduction: $66,903.51

South Carolina A-B Distributor
84 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $137,171.18
Utility Incentive: $68,585
Annual Cost Reduction: $127,597.00

Florida A-B Distributor
52 Evaporator Fans
Total Project Cost: $46,485.12
Utility Incentive: $0
Annual Cost Reduction: $32,523.00
Simple Payback – No Utility Incentive: 17.15 months

Average Annual Cost Savings

With a typical Payback of under 24 months, the short and long-term energy cost savings from a HotWattEnergy project will make you a hero within your organization.

Click on the Brochure below to see how we achieve these results

Our Expertise Delivers

  • Lower annual operating costs
  • Reduced compressor run-time
  • Improved safety through lower CEW noise levels
  • Reduction in maintenance costs
  • Reduced heat generation in CEW
  • Humidity control for stored goods & packaging

Get an in-depth education on best energy practices for your facility.

Fill out the form to request a web conference that details why we do what we do.

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